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Round-Trip Deliveries on Doordash - EVERYTHING You MUST Know!!

So Doordash has many different delivery types on their platform and is always looking to expand them. Now we are going to have  Round trip Deliveries which… wow.

So in this article, We are talking about:

  • EVERYTHING You MUST Know about Round Trip Deliveries on Doordash 

  • What they tell you vs how it ACTUALLY is

  • EVERYTHING in between!

Disclaimer: The content of this article does not contain and is never intended to be legal, business, financial, tax, or health advice of any kind, This article is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that you conduct your own research and consult with qualified professionals before applying anything you find online. 

I also want to be clear that everything we are going to go over is very market dependent, and what applies to me and my market may not apply to you.

You can now increase your earning potential by completing round-trip deliveries. Within these offers, the Business dropoffs (like auto mechanics) provide you with a check or cash that you need to return to the pickup location; your earnings will account for the full round-trip journey of these offers.

This guide refers to check or cash payment Round-trip deliveries for Business dropoffs (like auto mechanics). Also, seems to be very similar to their Cash on Delivery orders or even some iteration of it. 

How it Works

If you’re eligible to receive these offers, you’ll get an email with a link to opt in to start receiving them.

So it won’t just be that you will start to get them at some point, you will have to opt in. I wonder if this will be a separate toggle for Dash preferences or if they will just include that within Cash on Delivery.

Accept and pick up

Look for offers that say Round-trip delivery and choose which offers you’d like to accept just like any other offer—the difference is you’ll complete a round-trip delivery after dropoff by going back to the pickup location. 

You will be able to see the round trip via the matrix, as well as each step along the way. If it is a bit confusing, they put it in gray at the bottom to make it a bit more clear, I think they could have made it bolder but that is just me. 

Return payment to the pickup location

Once you dropoff the order and collect the payment, you’ll be prompted to return the payment back to the pickup location. Once you’re back at the pickup location, you’ll verify the handoff with a photo and a signature. Your earnings will account for the full round-trip journey of the order.

I feel like there is going to be so much fraud with this, it isn’t even funny. There is just so much opportunity for it!

  1. The driver can just up and take the money

  2. The people who are supposed to receive the money can claim they didn’t, or claim there is money missing

  3. The people you are supposed to receive the money from can claim they already paid online or say they don’t have it and give you some sob story.

None of those have to do with the product either, and that is a list in itself!


Do I have to accept check/cash offers?

Round-trip deliveries are fully optional. After you’ve opted in, you may still decline these offers at any time with no impact on your ratings.

Very similar to how Cash on Delivery started out, this is very typical Doordash pilot talk. That said, a lot of people still report they have had impacts on ratings so make sure you always eyeball your ratings. 

How do I get paid?

Once you complete the round-trip, you’ll be paid the same way you would for any delivery - via your Earnings.

So this is very unlike cash on delivery where instead of expecting a tip after in cash and you keeping the change, you are still operating completely under Doordash payout systems so it much more predictable.

Will that stop the No-tip customers from not tipping? I don’t know, I haven’t seen these orders in action yet. These may not even be tip eligible.

Do I need to carry change?

No. Customers are asked to have the exact total plus tip ready to ensure a quick, and easy dropoff experience. In case they don’t have the exact amount, DoorDash will handle the difference. 

I would still have some $5’s and singles anyway though, it is the times when you don’t have change on you and the customer asks you “do you have change for a $10 or $20” and you end up getting less of a tip because of that is when you realize how valuable it is.

I wouldn’t say too much though, like $20 worth of $5’s and $1’s is plenty. 

What should I do if I have an issue collecting the cash payment?

If you encounter an issue: 

If the Customer refuses to pay or does not have the right amount, or you encounter any other issues with collecting payment, do not collect payment from the Customer.

Return the item back to the pickup location if the Customer was short on cash, unavailable, or refused to pay. You’ll be compensated for your time and your completion rating won’t be affected. If the Customer has questions, direct them to contact DoorDash Support.

What I am concerned about with this is that it says you will be “compensated for your time”, and not you will receive full pay, or half pay, or anything like that. 

I wonder if someone would experience that and get shorted if something would happen to the order? Like would they get only partial pay? They drove the same number of miles, they did the same amount of work, in fact more work if you think about it, so shouldn’t they get full pay regardless?

I don’t know, but I really hate how vaguely this is worded. 

What if I’m still having issues?

If you need help, we’ve got your back! Reach out to Support anytime through the Dasher app. If you feel unsafe at any point during your Dash, SafeDash is available to you 24/7:

The “safety reassurance call” connects you with an ADT agent through the Dasher app. The ADT agent will remain on the phone until you feel safe. 

The “emergency assistance button” enables you to seek help, if needed. Upon clicking the button, an ADT agent will contact 911 and discreetly stay in contact with the user via text messages.

Whenever you are dealing with money people are going to get defensive, that is why I try to stay away from orders like this. 

Is it worth it?

To be honest, this is not something I would do with Doordash. I don’t like the idea of round trip deliveries with businesses I have questionable trust with, I would just work with businesses that I would do this with on the side if anything. 

That said, if I were to do orders like this, I would rather them work with me personally as a client and not work with Doordash at all. You would need to learn how to onboard clients and make sure you are utilizing quality partnerships.

That said, you should always be looking to develop alternative sources of income through diversifying your gig portfolio, developing an exit strategy, and other vital ways to make more money, like what you can find by joining the Driven Wyld Discord Server!

The Driven Wyld Discord Community is exclusive for gig workers looking to expand their knowledge and expertise in their self-employment and entrepreneurial journey.

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  • More Live Streams with High Level Professionals in our industry 

  • Even an educational system to help you build your own dispatch company and scalable opportunities

Whether you are a gig worker looking for more opportunities to earn, or looking for an exit strategy, because the gig economy is an income bridge to what would be a long term goal, and would like something with more growth potential and scalability. 

Sign up and get started on making the most amount of money in the least amount of time in the safest possible way!

If you would like to add some other perspective to how Reimbursements work on Instacart, feel free to email me: and who knows? Maybe your email or perspective and be featured in a post as well!


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